More Info Below Need a better electric rate this winter? See our rates by entering your zip code below More Info Below Is Your Home Ready For a New Electric Rate? Enter Your Zip Code Select Your Plan Enroll Display all of our electric rates in your service area. Choose your new rate and terms. Fill out your information and receive confirmation of your new rate. Picking A New Electric Rate Is Easy How To Get Started with a New Electric Rate. When first setting-up electric service to a home or business, the utilities enroll most people in a standard electric supply rate - This is the rate you pay for electricity per kilowatt hour. The rate affects your final cost of your electric bill and the utilities adjust these standard rates a couple times per year. In some states, everyone who pays an electric bill can choose to pay the utility's standard rate or shop the marketplace for a rate they prefer. The best place to get started is compare the rates we offer in your area to your current rate found in the supply portion of your electric bill. Why People Choose Town Square Energy Shopping for your home’s electric rate is much like shopping for gas for your car. So, our focus is how our electric rates compare to your utility's current rate. Our plans are simple to understand with zero hidden fees or terms. Town Square Energy also allows customers to easily switch plans without penalties or fees. Ready To See Our Electric Rates In Your Area? Enter Your Zip Code Below